University of Pisa (UNIPI) – Project coordinator
The University of Pisa, founded in 1343, is one of the most ancient and prestigious universities in Europe. It is a public centre of advanced teaching and research. UNIPI has been involved in a large number of EU-funded projects, especially under FP7 (157) and LIFE (8). Furthermore, it is currently involved in more than 50 H2020 project, LIFE (5), PRIMA (5) and other projects. The Engineering Area of the University of Pisa has a well-established international reputation in several research fields, with particular excellences in the chemical and industrial engineering sector. The staff of the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering (https://dici.unipi.it/en/) has a relevant experience both in research on methodologies and in the support and consultancy to public and private stakeholders involved in the control of major accidents, with specific reference to both safety-security related issues, i.e., accidents triggered by external acts of interference in industrial facilities. Emerging risks and complex accidents scenarios were object of a previous FP7 project in which UNIPI was partner (iNTeg-Risk – Early Recognition, Monitoring, and Integrated Management of Emerging, New Technology related, Risks; ID: 213345). The department is supported by an experienced research office involved in proposal drafting, budget planning and control, networking actions and management.

DataCH technologies S.R.L. (DataCH)
DataCH Technologies designs and develops modular IT systems, capable of interfacing with third-party software, for information and data exchange. DataCH Technologies has created a group of computer scientists, chemists and engineers for the design and development of customized industrial IT solutions. In particular, the company has significant experience in industrial risk assessment and emergency planning, in both port areas and fixed industrial plants. DataCH Technologies is a leader in the development of PCS (Port Community System), PTS (Port Traffic System) and PMS (Port Monitoring System) software. Over the last decade, DataCH has developed a modular computer system called HACPACK©, which allows for a real-time safety-security risk assessment for handling and/or storage operations involving hazardous materials in port areas. The HACPACK© computer system is used in the largest and most important Italian ports (i.e., Piombino, Gioia Tauro, Civitavecchia, Livorno, La Spezia, Genova and more). DataCH Technologies adopts modern Drones (APR – Remotely Piloted Aircraft) for surveying the territory, buildings, specific areas in order to produce video in resolution up to 4K, aerial photographs and interactive 3D photogrammetry for industrial and land management applications. Recently, the HACPACK© framework was extended to fixed plant; the tool is named DataCH 3D INDUSTRIA. DataCH 3D INDUSTRIA (http://www.datachtechnologies.it/datach-3d-industria/) is a computer system designed for industrial sites, such as Seveso plants. The software enables the real-time monitoring and control of administrative, logistical and operational activities through 3D graphics. Moreover, the tool allows for the real-time safety assessment of accidental scenarios and was tested in a pilot application in a manufacturing site located in Tuscany.

Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale della Toscana (ARPAT)
The Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Tuscany (ARPAT) was funded by regional law in 1995. ARPAT monitors the state of the environment; carries out investigations on the sources of pollution and the impacts resulting from it, dealing with the detection and prevention of risk factors for the environment and human health. In particular, ARPAT is the public authority in charge of applying Seveso Directive in Tuscany, participating to licensing and inspection of all regional Seveso sites (tot. 55 establishments). ARPAT monitors the state of the environment; carries out assessments on the sources of pollution and the resulting impacts, dealing with the identification and prevention of risk factors for environmental and human health. ARPAT benefits from an in-depth knowledge of the territory and provide the relevant expertise in order to significantly contribute to the control of the impact of human activities on the environment. ARPAT supports prevention actions, site-inspections in Seveso sites. Moreover, ARPAT provides mitigation actions, such as emergency planning and post-emergency management in case of major accident occurrence. Over the years, ARPAT participated to several EU Projects. ARPAT was partner in the LIFE NEREiDE project (LIFE15 ENV/IT/000268), aimed at reducing noise impact through the use of innovative porous asphalts. ARPAT has also participated in the following projects: GIONHA, AquaMed, MONIQUA, MEDWET CODDE. The international cooperation and exchange of good practices at EU level is also demonstrated by the participation to the PHARE twinning program.

Leiden University (LEIDENU)
Leiden University, founded in 1575, develops, disseminates and applies scientific knowledge in the framework of several FP7/H2020 actions. In particular, the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) of Leiden University focuses on multidisciplinary research and education within the international scientific field of safety and security studies. The ISGA is a part of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs at Leiden University. The ISGA has developed from the Centre for Terrorism and Counterterrorism and the Centre for Global Affairs. Researchers at this institute are engaged in interdisciplinary research and teaching within the international scientific field of security studies. The approach to issues of security is glocal, that is to say that the local, national, transnational and global impact are studied and analysed in conjunction with each other. This teaching and research takes place in the city of The Hague, the centre of government and the third largest city in the Netherlands, but also the International City of Peace, Justice and Security. Given the prominent position of The Hague, there is an inspiring interaction between this academic institute and other knowledge institutions, national and international governments, the private sector and NGOs. Among the research fields developed at ISGA, specific emphasis is given to the analysis of crisis and emergency management. Based on a multi-actor perspective, ISGA aims at studying crisis preparation, prevention, response, recovery and accountability. Investigations are also devoted to the role of technological issues in the development of emergency response and crisis, with a strong policy-orientation while integrating the cutting edge of crisis research into its academic products. ISGA engages in academic research that aims to explain the origins, patterns and outcomes of crisis management efforts, addressing specific issues, such as:
- strategic leadership and the politics of crisis management
- networked governance of safety and security events and crisis response
- the role of new technologies involving citizens in crisis management

Crisisplan BV (CRISISPLAN)
Founded in 2001, Crisisplan is a small organization of dedicated crisis professionals. Our mission is to prepare strategic crisis managers to perform well when it matters most. We know that crisis leaders and their teams confront profound challenges when a crisis strikes. Based on academic research, extensive experience and continuous innovation, we know what works and what does not. We spend most of our time on the following activities:
- Training crisis managers and their teams: We use a unique method to prepare the strategic crisis management level in public and corporate organizations. The teams learn how to make sense of a crisis (information management under stress), make critical decisions and coordinate their implementation, and communicate effectively with key stakeholders.
- Testing through exercises: When teams are ready to test their skills, Crisisplan confronts them with a custom-made and always evocative scenario that is specifically designed to learn about the team’s strengths and weaknesses.
- Advising leaders: Political leaders and CEOs are notoriously difficult to train as they often refuse to perform unknown tasks in front of an audience. We have developed an effective way of working to advise top-level decision makers on the requirements of strategic crisis management and the necessity of adequate preparation.
- Innovating: We strongly believe that new technologies can support strategic crisis management, if done right. We have participated in EU-sponsored (FP7 and H2020) innovation projects since 2004 (e.g. ZONeSEC, INACHUS, TransCrisis, IN-PREP). Our role is to bridge the community of “makers” with the envisioned client group (the “end users”).
Network: Ministries at the national level, safety regions, cities large and small, emergency services, inspectorates, policy organizations, universities and implementing agencies, large finance companies, Health organizations and hospitals, transportation and critical infrastructures.