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A1) Technical planning and stakeholders’ consultation aimed at data gathering from the DEMO sites.


B1) Tool development

Software for mapping the risks for people and environment due to safety-security scenarios and domino effects. 3D reconstruction of a plant based on drone integrating models for consequences, probabilities analysis, S/S barriers and RT site data – overview of the method.

B2) Open web repository

The tool will exploit models for vulnerability and risk assessment and performance data of safety/security barriers contained in an open web repository.

B3) Regulatory framework adaptation

Different regulatory requirements (Seveso and security related Directives, environmental protection) will be considered to tailor the developed tool for a given national frame supported by an open interface.

B4) Handbook and guidelines

Handbook addressing the required input, analysis procedures and output, including guidelines on the communication and use of results to design innovative site inspections.

B5) Tool tutorial application in 3 DEMOs (2 in IT, 1 in NL)

DEMO1 (Costieri D’Alesio): oil storage terminal located in Livorno harbor area, Tuscany, IT.
DEMO2 (Bolton Group (Manetti & Roberts): production and packaging of both liquid and gaseous personal-care items located in Calenzano (Florence province), Italy.
DEMO3 (Wilhelmsen Ships Service): indoors storage of hazardous and non-hazardous goods and outdoors cylinder handling, Rotterdam harbour area, The Netherlands.

The selected EU-MS feature a different type of Seveso Directive implementation: a deterministic approach (IT) and a risk-based approach (NL). Plants of different size and processing different substances will be considered to evidence the tool versatility.

B6) Elaboration of business plan

Commercialization of the tool, adoption in technical safety-security studies.

B7) Lay the foundation for replicantion

Extension to other Seveso sites in Tuscany, in the perspective of applying the tool to other EU-MS and/or non-Seveso sectors (manufacturing, food processing, water treatment, etc.).


C1) System and impact monitoring (environmental, socio-economic)

C2) Monitor of LIFE Key Project-level Indicators


D1) Stakeholders’ awareness raising.

Specific events (workshops, focus groups) and brochures explaining the tool will support the stakeholders’ awareness rising. Seveso plants, respective regional authorities, and consultant companies will be committed.

D2) Communication and Dissemination planning and execution.

Development of a dissemination pack containing all dissemination deliverables: website, project’s corporate identity, communication plan, 9 notice boards, Layman’s Report, 1 brochure, 1 blog+forum, and social media. Presentation in conferences and networks related to industrial safety/security. Periodic publications on local newspapers and scientific journals.

D3) Networking with other LIFE and non-LIFE projects.

Networking with other LIFE projects addressing themes similar to those of LIFE SECURDOMINO project, to encourage the exchange of experiences, knowledge, methodologies on project themes and the dissemination of project results